April, 2002 continued

Timothy Neilly I sat down with Timothy Neilly at the Easter Bowl just before he played the finals. He was hoping to repeat his previous year's wins. As one of the most popular players at the event, our conversation was constantly interrupted by well-wishers.

by Marcia Frost

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Q: As last year's Boys' 14s winner and the No. 1 player in the 14s, how did you feel going into the Easter Bowl in the 16s?

A: "I'm now playing in a new age group and I'm just trying to see how the older guys are playing and improve my game. I just wanted to come her, play smart and win a few rounds."

Timothy Neilly Q: You did more than win a few rounds.

A: "I thought I would do good this year. I came in very confident, playing very good, and it has really exceeded my expectations, well, maybe a little. I knew I could play well."

Q: What are your goals for the rest of the year? Are there any tournaments in particular you are looking forward to?

A: "I just want to do good in Kalamazoo and a couple of tournaments at the end of the year -- the Orange Bowl, Eddie Herr. I want to do good in all of these tournaments."
